Mere talk of changing the status quo is angering upstate lawmakers from competing regions and exposing traditional fault lines between upstate and downstate interests.
That concession angered some environmentalists and lawmakers.
The prime minister preempted the parliamentary grilling and angered lawmakers who accused him of covering up corruption and undermining their constitutional right to question ministers.
Mr. Perry vetoed more than 80 bills, a record, angering lawmakers in both parties.
By arrogantly preventing a vote on campaign finance reform this week, Newt Gingrich so angered fair-minded lawmakers that they are now rallying to the cause of cleaner elections.
The reversals have angered prosecutors and lawmakers over the years.
Indeed, he refused last week to spend a minuscule $5 billion appropriated by Congress for a grab bag of "emergency" items, angering lawmakers from both parties.
The decision has angered commission officials and Democratic lawmakers, who say that it reflects the administration's calculation that corporate scandals have begun to recede as a political issue.
Besides the B.C.C.I. issue, Mr. Barr is likely to face hard questions at the hearings on other Thornburgh policies that angered Democratic lawmakers.
He angered lawmakers from other parts of the state when he referred to Michigan as "the Mississippi of the North" over the state government's treatment of Detroit.