It also delayed the start of this season and angered fans so much that attendance was down nearly 20 percent.
Headlined by Tool, who flew in from Europe especially for the concert, but left right after playing their very short set, angering fans.
But most clubs stay quiet about their finances because they want to avoid angering fans already annoyed by the rising cost of tickets, parking and food.
Just the prospect of a strike this season seems to have angered fans more than some actual work interruptions did in the past.
Lengthy competition cautions were put out at roughly 10-lap intervals for teams to change tires, which caused controversy and angered fans and media.
This move angered fans of the station all over the world.
For years the network has angered fans across the country by refusing to air events until the start of its 8 p.m. coverage window.
He was practically considered a blank slate, so the writers were able to use him without angering fans.
On fan appreciation night to end the dismal season, Iverson and Webber angered fans by showing up late.
Nunn stated some comments that angered fans of the show.