The Notch Babies' anger arises from a misunderstanding over the 1972 legislation that indexed Social Security benefits to the cost of living.
No doubt his anger arose from the hardships to which the Mormons were actually subjected.
Suddenly his anger arose.
Perhaps it was a trick after all, and anger arose in me, and a resolve not to let the trickster escape unscathed.
Harry watched her surreptitiously as she drove, wondering if her anger arose from man problems.
"He is angry, and anger arises from fear," Jupiter told him.
Mrs. Kendrick looked at the strong, well-developed figure of her guest, and a certain dull anger arose in her mind.
I was lying, and the anger was arising within me.
The anger has arisen because most farmers believe that the allegations that they are 'ruining' the countryside are exaggerated and too indiscriminate.
And nowhere did popular anger arise more suddenly than in Vladicin Han.