Since he took office, Mr. Erbakan has not repeated a previous statement that he would end the military agreement, which has angered Arabs and other Muslims.
Anderson, Slain Islamic leader was outspoken; Khalifa's teachings from Tucson angered Muslims worldwide, 'Denver Post', 21 October 1993, p21 .
Most recently, the country has angered Muslims by prohibiting women from wearing head scarves at school, and the expulsions have led some to charge that a witch hunt is under way.
A group of Oral Roberts University students angered Muslims in the community when they disrupted Ramadan services at a local mosque and left only after the police had been summoned.
This decision angered all Lebanese nationals, Christians and Muslims, who were hopeful for self-rule.
But they undermined the rule of law for which we are fighting, angered middle-of-the-road Muslims and gave the extremists priceless fuel for their favourite narrative, "Islam under attack".
Our response to the Taliban angers Muslims in Europe and Indonesia.
They quoted pro-UMNO political analysts attacking Ambiga for "angering Muslims and Malays," as well as reported that foreign Christian organisations are funding the rally.
In Jack Spijkerman's Kopspijkers she read an explicit passage of her book, angering Muslims and Christians.
Rumors that the Israeli government are seeking to demolish the Muslim sites have angered Muslims.