However, toxicity usually occurs only at plasma levels which are rarely reached if proper anesthetic techniques are adhered to.
Once again McCoy was grateful for Maevlynin's anesthetic technique.
CWI is considered as an alternative to other regional anesthetic techniques: peripheral nerve blocks and spinal-epidural anesthesia.
But improved surgical and anesthetic techniques have made the operation much safer in the last 10 years.
Propofol-based anesthetic techniques result in significant concentrations of propofol in follicular fluid.
Conduction anesthesia is a comprehensive term, which encompasses a great variety of local and regional anesthetic techniques.
Their anesthesia practice consists of all accepted anesthetic techniques including general, epidural, spinal, peripheral nerve block, sedation, or local.
In the same precise Oxford accent he said: "I presume that Dr. Mannerheim has discussed with you the anesthetic technique which will be used."
These considerations suggest that isoflurane does affect the spontaneous recovery similar to or higher than other anesthetic techniques.
Her research produced new anesthetic techniques for the treatment of painful back muscle spasms that proved very successful among patients.