Reviewers say the anemic ratings for the winter games are deserved.
ABC cleared this move due to the league's anemic ratings in Chicago, allowing the league to shut down the Blitz, who had lost nearly $6 million in 1984.
The Olympics began to look a little like a soap opera, which could only boost NBC's anemic ratings.
CBS, eager to exploit any chance to elevate its anemic ratings for the Nagano Games, has sometimes wallowed in accidental violence.
Significantly, we found that respondents' attitudes toward Al Gore are more closely linked to Mr. Clinton's anemic personal ratings than to the President's stronger job rating.
ABC had no objections to this move, probably due to the USFL's anemic ratings in Chicago.
Unfortunately, the change once again did nothing to raise the station's anemic ratings.
Four of the five live-action comedies on Fox's schedule drew anemic ratings and Fox's patience ran out quickly.
Despite channel 42's anemic ratings, ABC wanted to align with a station that at least had a functioning news department.
Still, when CBS's prime-time standing started to improve, the anemic ratings of "48 Hours" made it a target.