It is the anecdotal style.
Alas, the very same anecdotal style that makes the book so readable proves to be its weakness in building the case that such fears are warranted.
He conveys most of what he says in a breezy, anecdotal style.
His humorous and anecdotal but scholarly teaching style did not go unnoticed.
He also added stand-up comedy to his act and developed a unique and very gentle anecdotal style of comedy.
Mr. Menzel's direction has a benign, anecdotal style that serenely embraces the full oppressiveness of the characters' situation.
The novel's anecdotal style accommodates a boy's confabulation.
(2000), are written in the conversational or anecdotal style of his host chats.
His best-selling novel, published in 1986, traced his family roots in an anecdotal style.
The text, written in an anecdotal style, explains Freedman's methods and recalls many of the stories he has covered.