An anecdotal example of a kludge involved a computer part supposedly manufactured in the Soviet Union during the 1960s.
The most common anecdotal examples are of mothers lifting automobiles to rescue their children, and when people are in life and death situations.
Of even greater appeal than the theme itself (to anyone who relates to it at all) is the wealth of anecdotal examples and reflections.
The article cites one anecdotal example, which may or may not have harmed the buyers, and generally skewers life insurance agents.
"I can only give anecdotal examples," came the answer.
She documented the limited medical resources that were given toward understanding menopause and also included anecdotal examples of how Chinese herbs had helped some women.
An anecdotal example for the Minnesota Twins occurred on Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3, 2004.
An anecdotal example was "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."
In Alice in Wonderland, the problem of nominalism is presented in an anecdotal example:
One anecdotal but nice example can be found in the tracks of dogs and cats in snow.