The part allowed Swinton to explore matters of gender presentation onscreen which reflected her lifelong interest in androgynous style.
Her hair she braided back in a severe and androgynous style that left the impression of a helmet.
His fashion sense follows their androgynous style and because of this he has a difficult time fitting in at Pomona High School.
Yoshiya often dressed in an androgynous style, including in magazine photo sessions.
Boy George's androgynous style of dressing caught the attention of the public and the media.
Chang has been noted for her androgynous style and looks.
She is well known for her reddish toned hair and androgynous style.
Although, at first, many couturiers were reluctant to adopt the new androgynous style, they embraced them wholeheartedly from around 1925.
Dixon sports a short hair style to help portray Tilly's androgynous style.
He also wears tight black leggings and has his makeup done in his androgynous style.