The Weird Sisters are also depicted as defeminised, androgynous figures.
"Consumer" (1999) is an androgynous figure who is in the process of gnawing away both hands down past the wrist.
In the black and white "Flock," a naked, androgynous figure faces a wall.
In the first, an androgynous figure sits under trees beside water, playing a cello.
Vanyel saw a small, fairly androgynous figure leave a position on a little rise beside the road and run toward the main building.
These deformed female or sometimes androgynous figures can symbolize women, fate, Ukraine and even death.
A choking, drenched, and coughing androgynous figure in a suit waves her away.
Therefore the well-dressed androgynous figure she portrayed might have been any man or woman who keeps striving without succeeding.
Floating over the cape was an androgynous human figure, dressed in a kind of tight-fitting coverall.
The androgynous figure is Chinese to the core.