An hour later they stood silently at the edge of the road, looking at the ancient wreck.
In other circumstances, the ancient wreck would have been fascinating.
He had seen the car in question, and it was an ancient wreck that someone had brought to the parking lot already battered.
Now, the discovery of an ancient wreck in the middle of the Mediterranean is strengthening the old claims.
The discovery was kept secret until the submarine was found and the ancient wreck analyzed.
Her skepticism was reinforced, she added, because most ancient wrecks were being found "along the coast."
The surveyors we left behind here found some ancient wrecks of starships.
These are among his arguments: *A survey of more than 315 square miles located 418 objects ranging from oil drums to ancient wrecks.
Between 1836 and 1880, 40 people recorded that they had seen an "ancient" or "Spanish" wreck.
The chaser crews were getting impatient, waiting for Weatherhead's permission to begin their race to the ancient wreck.