A roiling funnel now surrounded the ancient stellar remnant, shrouding its small, white disk beneath black streamers and turbulent haze.
On the walls were light-torches, and not ancient remnants of the Duarchy, but ones recently fabricated.
It has been an important location in Central Javanese history and culture for over a millennium, since it contains many ancient archaeological remnants of historic significance.
The asteroid mines were another ancient remnant of the Terran race, once worked by slaves her people had gathered from across the galaxy.
A video showing the ancient remnants and beautiful nature surrounding Halhul, and complaining against the remains of past Israeli presence.
Vertregt is the ancient remnant of a large lunar impact crater.
There are a few ancient remnants including a few citadels and the Aslanhane Caravanserai.
There, too, they could see the ancient remnants of great trees that had once grown before the western portal.
Small piles of frost and snow lay in the shadows on the north side of the ancient remnants, but even by winter's end the accumulation would not be that great.
Some of the most ancient geological remnants of basaltic plains lie in Canada's Precambrian Shield.