His work reflects his pride in Ukrainian culture and the country's ancient pagan and early Christian heritage.
Their beliefs have more theological depth than ancient pagans, and they are well aware that their icons are only symbols of a deeper level of reality.
To these ancient pagans, Mr. Kaplan adds more modern figures like Machiavelli, Hobbes and Churchill.
The ancient Greeks made them into gods, Moors and the ancient pagans agreed with the Klingons.
-but even the ancient pagans noticed that Nature imposes nothing on you that Nature doesn't prepare you to bear.
But he kept them as the ancient pagans kept their gods in temples that were their houses.
This gathering aimed at erecting a large nature temple in the form of a stone circle, a style traditional to the ancient pagans of western Europe.
It draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice.
Conrad Celtes was more of a free-thinking humanist and placed a higher value on the ancient pagan, rather than the Christian ideal.
Though today we call most Greek religious buildings "temples," the ancient pagans would have referred to a temenos, or sacred precinct.