Close by lay the ancient oracle itself, unopened as yet, its plain black cover embossed with the great symbol of the Tao.
Because many ancient oracles were simply clever wordplays, which answered a question by covering all of its possible outcomes.
For an aura of ancient oracles still clings to Kahn's name, nearly two decades after his death.
They were like ancient Greek oracles: they opined and said nothing; left you to manufacture your own fears in private.
Terrified and unnerved, she sought an ancient oracle in a subterranean chamber of the palace.
But the lights darkened and their tidings, like those of many ancient oracles, remained ambiguous.
Dodoni is located near the site of the ancient oracle of Dodona.
Outside my bedroom window, the early morning Manhattan sky loomed dark and foreboding like an ancient oracle.
The words know thyself had supposedly been written above an ancient oracle.
An ancient oracle (written by Onomacritus) may have predicted this end.