These are to eager and clever astrophysicists what ancient hieroglyphics are to archeologists.
There are ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting the preparation of food.
When it comes to non-fiction, I know a lot about ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Now every network is racing to embrace television's new frontier - and beyond, sometimes full circle back to ancient hieroglyphics.
The presence of the ancient hieroglyphics on this lonely moon had suddenly brought the whisper of a terrible suspicion into his mind.
Like ancient hieroglyphics, the script has its own calligraphic beauty.
He was also a specialist at deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
It might as well have been written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The staff is covered with ancient hieroglyphics which themselves were added a very long time after the staff was created.
It might as well be ancient hieroglyphics.