Perhaps it was the intention of the former Mr. Smith, 1st Lord Carrington, to provide his new family seat with some ancient grandeur: he certainly succeeded.
The ruins of Antinopolis attest, by the area which they fill, the ancient grandeur of the city.
This is Tasmania's largest national park, home to some of the world's last tracts of virgin temperate rainforest; a place of ancient grandeur and extraordinary diversity.
Doesn't your heart expand in this ancient grandeur, Susan Chen?
The palace, and the desert outside the city, he later wrote, "became for me the epitome of peaceful, ancient, silent grandeur."
It was as if the spirits of antiquity watched over them, brooding over the tumbled remains of ancient grandeur.
Observations on the remains of ancient Egyptian grandeur and superstition.
The vision of the city's ancient grandeur faded away, and melancholy mixed with anger infused the Apostate's tone.
After all these years, Murray is still borrowing motifs from Cezanne's work, as if trying to bring his ancient grandeur into everyday life in New York.
Chanakya was Desai's first independent project and "[he] had to recreate the ancient grandeur of Pataliputra" for the series.