They are considered a masterpiece of ancient frescoes.
Higher up, at the top of the steep stone staircases that serve as streets, are two interesting churches with ancient frescoes.
Since similar instruments appear in ancient Egyptian frescoes and reliefs, some believe that they may represent a survival from a very old tradition.
In 1930 a restoration removed all the Baroque additions and showed the presence of ancient frescoes.
She wore a white pleated dress that reminded him of the clinging dresses in ancient Egyptian frescoes.
It was built on a rectangular foundation and until its destruction, it preserved a fragment of the original, ancient fresco.
There are also fabrics that look like ancient frescoes, distressed walls or marble.
There is an ancient fresco in the apse dated to 400 and dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
The village has a twelfth century church in the Romanesque style with ancient frescos decorating its interior.
The church, with a single nave, has traces of the ancient frescoes (13th century), which probably covered all the walls.