However, he continued the ancient formula, as though the sentiments were his own.
"I can't wait to tell him about the new variation I've invented on this ancient formula."
He pressed the stop button, until he could remember the ancient formula.
This was all by ancient formula, and the blade must be very sharp.
The curse has nothing to do with knowledge of the ancient formula.
That is the ancient formula for producing sparkling conversation, and if it still doesn't work, at least nobody present will notice.
At Egwene's nod, she took one step forward to intone the ancient formula in a clear, high voice.
A tatter of an ancient formula stirred in Ainson's mind.
The lawn was one of those tended according to the ancient British formula: seed and roll for five hundred years.
New inductees are selected utilizing an ancient (and still) secret formula by members of the Society.