For an instant, she thought she had seen someone-a strange, ancient, glowing dwarf, watching her.
As though there were no one there but himself, the ancient dwarf muttered, "It is the Life Tree.
The body Grover selects to impersonate a much younger and healthier man happens to be that of an ancient white-bearded dwarf.
While there is evidence of ancient dwarves and some other high-fantasy races, players can only play human characters.
The cattle were driven away, and the ancient dwarf squatted himself down and stared at the ground, looking like a great black toad.
Warmed by the afternoon sun, the boulder felt comfortable to the ancient dwarf, who had been walking all day in the chill autumn air.
Felix felt his hair stir as the ancient dwarf advanced.
The ancient dwarf looked at the wizard briefly.
Before him lies the great bottommost cellar or dungeon-hall of the ancient dwarves right at the Mountain's root.
The wind, the blue light, died away, leaving the specter of the ancient dwarf.