A puff of ancient dust came out as the slug went in.
Tremors followed, powerful enough to shake ancient dust loose from the masonry.
Opening his eyes, he took one last look at his hall now cloaked in ancient dust.
Terl went down the stairs toward the front door, pools of ancient dust stirring as he walked.
The voice cracked on the high notes; the very crevices of the song seemed filled with an ancient dust.
It is older by far than mankind and will continue when you and your names are ancient dust.
Niall was alone in the hall, with its curiously stale air, and smell of ancient dust.
The air filled with the odor of ancient dust, of decay.
Looked at their footprints in the ancient dust, then shook her head as if suddenly chiding herself that what she thought wasn't logical.
Maybe it was better to be burned out ashes than cold, ancient dust.