Light came from a low-wattage bulb hanging by two inches of flex from an ancient beam in the ceiling.
A sudden gust, sweeping around the old house, battering the creaky walls and pressing the ancient beams that supported Haldrew Hall.
Before restoration, it was in such bad condition that the present mir considered demolishing it and using the ancient wooden beams for firewood.
She reached out to steady herself against the wall and the ancient wooden beam under her hand stirred and started to sprout leaves.
He slid farther down the winding way and behind an ancient beam to catch his breath.
Death coughed tactfully, although it sounded like the pistol-crack of an ancient beam full of death-watch beetle.
Sue was waiting with a picnic lunch in the Tithe Barn below the house, where we admired the ancient knuckled beams while devouring quiche.
His eyes were allowed to open, in time to see the ancient wooden beams of the building hurtling toward him.
Both law and custom forbid the hanging of five or four or three or two or one from the ancient beam.
Watching the flames lick up, engulfing the stone as they ate away at the ancient wooden beams.