A clever reworking of the ancient Gauls' fear that the sky was going to fall on their heads.
Avaricum was an oppidum in ancient Gaul, near what is now the city of Bourges.
They are classified as ancient Iberian or as ancient Gauls according to the sources.
They would expect it to fall down on them at any moment, as the ancient Gauls always feared the sky would fall on their head!
Galatia in fact takes its name from the ancient Gauls (Celts) who settled there.
One of the most powerful tribes in ancient Gaul, they opposed the Romans on several occasions.
The borders of modern France are about the same as those of ancient Gaul.
Situated in western Burgundy in the heart of ancient Gaul, the city's history spans well over 2000 years.
Like ancient Gaul, Vicksburg is divided into three parts.
Clark wrote, "The natural gas industry, like ancient Gaul, is divided into three parts.