It was also used by the ancient Chinese who believed it would improve and prolong health.
The ancient Chinese didn't wear shirts as we know them, she said.
Then I remembered something out of my readings, something from the ancient Chinese: "Would you rather be rich or an artist?"
The ancient Chinese would burn incense in closed rooms to enhance the ripening of pears.
Are we supposed to get some sour-faced ancient Chinese who swigs the brandy while we're out?
An ancient petulant Chinese was being rebuked by a Malay nurse for spitting on the floor.
The ancient Chinese made a similarly rapid transition after first domesticating plants 7,500 years ago.
Note that the mathematical method used by the ancient Chinese could never produce a true octave.
Boxes and audio narration pop up throughout to give context and provide rough translation for readers whose ancient Chinese is rusty.
For example, 来 in ancient Chinese was originally a pictograph for "wheat".