Several ancient Buddhist and Jain scripts in India were also compiled in ink.
Beyond the entrance were Chinese stone soldiers and a stone wall with images resembling deities found in ancient Buddhist and Hindu artworks.
Wasn't that what the ancient Buddhists had believed?
More recently, ancient Buddhist remains dating to the early days of Buddhism have been found throughout the region, including at Sravasti.
In ancient Buddhist and Hindu texts, Kamboja has repeatedly been styled as the "home of horses".
Working from morning to night, they went through boxes of ancient Buddhist and Gandharan statuary, smashing anything with a human or animal image that they deemed idolatrous.
The tale of the three rioters is a version of a folk tale with a "remarkably wide range" and has numerous analogues: ancient Buddhist, Persian, and African.
Maybe, like life, it was all illusion, as the ancient Buddhists claimed.
They went through boxes of ancient Buddhist and Gandharan statuary, smashing anything with an image they deemed idolatrous.
Strings of prayer flags were strung across the hillsides, and ancient Buddhist chortens* and walls of exquisitely carved mani** stones stood sentinel over even the highest passes.