In the ancient Americas, early urban traditions developed in the Andes and Mesoamerica.
Early Jaina-style figures are naturalistic, delicately detailed, and "generally regarded as the finest figurine art produced throughout the ancient Americas".
The program in Pre-Columbian Studies was founded in 1963 to support the study of the art and archaeology of the ancient Americas.
Exhibition of musical instruments from the major cultures of the ancient Americas.
Townsend is an eminent authority on the art, symbolism and archeology of the ancient Americas and several other world cultures.
Digging sticks were the most important agricultural digging tools used in Mesoamerica and throughout the ancient Americas.
Aveni, Anthony F. Archaeoastronomy in the ancient Americas.
At the time Alberto Ruz Lhuillier excavated Pakal's tomb it was the richest and best preserved of any scientifically excavated burial then known from the ancient Americas.
Many of the strongest works in the Dallas collection are from the ancient Americas, and the new installation allows the museum to put its best foot forward.
As metalwork goes, the objects in the show - disks, cuffs and pendants - include some of the most glorious examples of the goldsmith's art from the ancient Americas.