"Ancestral Voices" is not a happy story, but rather an ambiguous one.
"Ancestral Voices" can be played in anger; it is not a happy story, but rather an ambiguous one.
He does not argue with calling "Ancestral Voices" a portable play.
But "Ancestral Voices" is not only another story, but also a real job for a director.
She was writing a book about her roots called The Ancestral Voices.
But this one requires real acting, said the playwright of "Ancestral Voices."
Eddie, the narrator of "Ancestral Voices," says the story "started to be a play, but it went too many places for the stage."
But "Ancestral Voices" looks, on the whole, like a rite of passage through abstract modern dance.
"Ancestral Voices" went on long enough to be played in front of the sets for three plays and with three changes in casts.
Like its co-tenant, "Ancestral Voices" is not a play in the strictest sense.