Other discoveries of huge mammal bones were viewed as confirmation of the ancient Greek belief in ancestral heroes as 15-foot giants.
He is described by Virgil as the ancestral hero of the Memmii and "Of the house of Assaracus".
Allegedly, the region received the name of Caria from Car, an ancestral hero of the Carians.
These consisted of various wooden effigies of ancestral heroes and pre-Islamic commemorative chairs.
The care taken to preserve the shaft graves testifies that they were by then part of the royal heritage, the tombs of the ancestral heroes.
Or they might, with the Church's blessing, be accounted for as ancestral heroes, extraordinary men, from whom dynasties like the mighty O'neill could claim descent.
In the meantime, the player may elect to make offerings to the ancestral heroes.
"The psychohistoric trend of a planet-full of people contains a huge inertia," says Hari Seldon, the ancestral hero of the foundation.
He was regarded as the eponymous and ancestral hero of the Carians who would have received their name from the king.
Heracles appears as the ancestral hero of Scythia in Herodotus' text.