The night is when they recall ancestral customs, interpret dreams and comment on changes in nature and other events of the day.
Origen was convinced that the gospel had brought 'a new song' to the world, breaking up ancestral customs.
While preserving many of their ancestral customs, the Moors have also adopted several South Asian practices.
All Saints and All Souls are occasions for the villagers perform their ancestral customs.
Native American music plays a vital role in history and education, with ceremonies and stories orally passing on ancestral customs to new generations.
More than 40 buildings are staffed by interpreters in period costume who bring ancestral customs and traditional trades to life.
This is probably an ancestral Dravidian custom.
He was shaped by the ancestral customs and values of his birthplace, learning to play the ukulele at the age of four.
Considered a day of rest, it is the most important ancestral custom of the Ashanti people.
The assamese mishing Forgot their ancestral customs.