A lot of Jewish intellectuals far more tormented than he in their relationship to the ancestral culture have managed to avoid date rape.
Today the Basques number just a few hundred in Utah, but they are still very dedicated to their ancestral culture.
Today the Finnish group is small, but is still very active in keeping their ancestral culture alive.
The Indians in Jhabvala's stories, on the other hand, seem somewhat wiser, less cut off from their ancestral culture.
And how were they to balance the local against the global, and past versus future-the many ancestral cultures against the one Martian culture?
Nor was it an abandonment of her ancestral culture.
The Warli, adivasi, or the indigenous peoples, speak to us of ancient times and evoke an ancestral culture.
The Oaxaca state is best known for native ancestral cultures.
No ancestral culture on the mainland has been identified, but a number of shared features suggest ongoing contacts.
In the hands of capitalism, everything is converted into merchandise: water, earth genomes, ancestral cultures, justice, ethics, life.