Razdan ancestors have travelled around the world all throughout history.
His ancestors, who were rabbis, "traveled from village to village to bring the message of God," he explained.
And he told me that his ancestors traveled in clusters-he didn't say packs-and followed herds of plant-eaters to pull down the slow and the sick.
'My ancestors such as Mutsoyef traveled a long way,' said Robert Sweet Medicine.
The ancestors of the grizzly bear originated in Eurasia and traveled to North America approximately 50,000 years ago.
It just was not right because my ancestors traveled for thousands of years to get here and now the white-skins were stealing our land.
The research indicated that genetic diversity declines steadily the farther one's ancestors traveled from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Between us, our ancestors have travelled through three continents for us to arrive here.
In the olden times, before they settled in this place, our ancestors traveled around in a huge airship.
From Tulan Suywa the ancestors travelled west across the sea to the highlands of Guatemala.