Their ancestors, long, long ago, inhabited the planet of Aurora.
I suspect the flock's ancestors inhabited this place long before the house was built.
Their ancestors have inhabited Australia for between 40,000 and 60,000 years, living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
The Shawnee and their ancestors inhabited the territory for thousands of years prior to European contact.
The Inuit people and their ancestors have inhabited the area for thousands of years, perhaps as long as 4,000.
Inuit and their ancestors have inhabited the island since 2000 BC.
Tlingit people and their ancestors have inhabited this island for thousands of years.
Research suggests that their ancestors inhabited marine regions of the Aegean Sea.
According to the ancients, the Arcadians pretend that their ancestors inhabited the earth before the moon became her satellite.
Humans and their ancestors have inhabited the African continent for over four million years.