Wallowing is not what was expected of these Mets, whose ancestors developed wallowing into an art form.
The ancestors of mankind developed the ability to run for long distances about four and a half million years ago, probably in order to hunt animals.
The ancestors of the Anseriformes developed the characteristic bill structure that they still share.
My ancestors eventually developed interstellar travel and went searching for their lost home.
Contaminants like this have been around since our ancestors first developed the meat-eating habit in the Stone Age.
A single colonizing ancestor often changed or developed into many new endemic species; this is known as adaptive radiation.
The ancestors of most modern ponies developed small stature due to living on the margins of livable horse habitat.
The Sarn have some mathematical methods our ancestors never developed, and that I haven't had a chance to learn.
For starters, DNA helps show how our ancestors developed human form in the five million years since they began diverging from other apes.
"My ancestors developed them for living in crowded cities where physical exercise was difficult."