Artificial insemination provides a remedy for animals who, due to anatomical or physiological reasons, are unable to reproduce in the natural way.
The name, thusly, I conjectured, might once have been given to her for other than anatomical reasons.
In dental anesthesia, a relative insensitivity to lidocaine can occur for anatomical reasons due to unexpected positions of nerves.
Workers are nevertheless considered female for anatomical and genetic reasons.
In four patients cannulation of the portal vein was impossible for anatomical reasons.
For anatomical reasons, chimps and gorillas cannot produce a range of sounds sufficient for speech.
(For anatomical reasons, the procedure does not work on women.)
Man-made endocasts are sometimes made from blood vessels for medical or anatomical reasons.
There are "good anatomical reasons" that women can't use the original device, Mr MacSween says.
For anatomical reasons, the left internal mammary artery is more useful than the right.