The study claims that daily computer use of 2 hours or more increases the risk for pain at most anatomic sites.
Imaging studies help to identify the tumor and the specific anatomic site of involvement.
Based on the anatomic site, it is difficult to completely remove, and so while there is a good prognosis, recurrences or persistence may be seen.
An addiction is a psycho-physiologic behavior that has an actual anatomic site on the brain.
Other anatomic sites are less commonly involved.
Most tumors are about 1.5 cm in greatest dimension, a limitation of the anatomic site rather than of the tumor type itself.
This lesion is separated into two types based on the anatomic site of presentation:
In many areas of the United States and nationally, data are not collected systematically on the anatomic site of infection for persons with gonorrhea.
These harmonic signals may arise differently at anatomic sites with similar impedances and thus lead to higher contrast resolution.
Tumor confined to anatomic site of origin.