Instead, most carotid ultrasound examinations remain focused on the older concept of measuring blood velocities within the lumen as an indication of the anatomic changes that occur after disease has progressed to advanced stages of severity.
Microscopically, the basic anatomic change consists of hyaline thickening of the walls of the small arteries and arterioles (hyaline arteriolosclerosis).
The cardinal anatomic changes of the valve include leaflet thickening, commissural fusion, and shortening and thickening of the tendinous cords.
Weeks after treatment, computed tomography is performed to evaluate anatomic changes, and positron emission tomography is performed to evaluate changes in metabolic activity.
Peripheral resistance is determined by functional and anatomic changes in small arteries and arterioles.
Thus, former results suggesting anatomic changes in the brain of chronic cannabis users, measured by tomography, were not confirmed by the accurate modern neuro-imaging techniques.
Since metabolic change occurs before anatomic change, earlier detection of disease is possible.
Background Most current methods of cancer early detection, such as mammography or cervical cytology, are based on anatomic changes in tissues or morphologic changes in cells.
A subset of patients does not respond to any therapy, likely having fixed vascular anatomic changes.
Many of the anatomic and functional changes seen in the brains of patients with schizophrenia also occur in patients with schizophreniform disorder.