Feminist scholars in Political Science began employing gender as an analytical category, which highlighted "social and political relations neglected by mainstream accounts".
Hawkesworth's proposal towards accounting feminism and supporting gender as an analytical category in political science is crucial in furthering progressive approaches.
Although almost all dictionaries are organized alphabetically, there are many ways to look at lexicon, and the analytical categories set forth by Pfeffer and Cannon in this book are interesting and useful.
While the concept of body culture earlier had denoted an alternative practice and was used in singular, it became now an analytical category describing body cultures in plural.
Phase three was marked by a turn to a post-Marxist emphasis on civil society as a moral and analytical category meant to further the project of democratization in both the East and West.
According to the Journal Citation Reports, it received a 2011 impact factor of 3.794, ranking it twelfth out of 73 journals in the category "Chemistry, analytical".
Moore argued that the concept of "woman" is insufficiently universal to stand as an analytical category in anthropological enquiry: that the idea of 'woman' was specific to certain cultures, and not a human universal.
Their hypothesis thus contributed to the Marxist debates on class in Fordism and was used as an analytical category in the examination of non-proletarian employees.
The main analytical categories used were "Steering Capability," "Policy Implementation" and "Institutional Learning."
The cool, analytical categories of science, the work suggests, are no match for the mysterious workings of sexual desire.