Standing, he ran through the analytic process that seemed called for.
Visual rhythm is the most important thing, because through it, the reader can follow the analytic process to figure out the meaning of the poem.
Gridlock, where many different interests slow the analytic process.
He described both men as "extremely fair in encouraging different points of view, and the analytic process worked very well."
By refusing to define Quality he had placed it entirely outside the analytic process.
The analytic process took into account technological morphology features, based on the quality of the material.
The show at Harvard, which examined in detail eight recent and current projects, simulated the analytic process behind the work itself.
They require more complex and analytic cognitive processes than the simple association: blood equals pain.
This is a simplified view of the geospatial analytic process within the larger intelligence cycle.
In good working relationships, the analytic process is interactive with the customer.