The secretarial staff is so small that many senior analysts spend huge amounts of time simply photocopying documents.
Its analysts can spend their time on research, not pitching potential investment banking clients.
In fact, the economic effect of the crash was minimal, and the analysts spent the rest of 1988 raising estimates.
The latest report is that the new analysts spend much of their time escorting visitors and emptying garbage.
The managers, and three analysts, spend most of their time assessing the probability that a company can achieve its profit forecasts.
Once the talks were disclosed, analysts spent much of yesterday handicapping the deal.
The analysts spend the night poring over boxes of paperwork.
Many analysts are spending considerable time trying to figure out why their forecasting models seem not to be working.
Up to the present, however, all had been useless, and probably the most ingenious analysts in the world would have spent their time in vain.
Even the most ardent cost-benefit analyst would spend more money to rescue a single actual child than to save 10 "statistical lives."