Some analysts regularly monitor earnings estimates of their peers.
Since the tax break is the principal reason to own a municipal bond rather than a taxable bond, analysts monitor the relationship of yields between the two types of bonds.
There, top-rank analysts constantly monitored the national Delphi pools to maintain a high social-mollification index.
Troika's analysts actively monitor over 300 companies and provide in-depth analysis of 150 of the most important listed Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh firms.
Oxford-educated political analyst, Dr. Buntu monitors Zimbabwean politics for the South African government.
For over 60 years, analysts from OSC's domestic and overseas bureaus have monitored timely and pertinent open-source materials, including gray literature.
Consumer spending represents two-thirds of the nation's economy, and analysts closely monitor fluctations in both spending and income as a barometer of the economy's overall health.
Economic analysts have been closely monitoring the housing sector since the October stock market crash.
These analysts also monitored incoming technical papers, attended technical meetings to obtain information which was of use to the mission, and monitored improvements in decay forecasts.
But on a national level, many analysts monitored the race to gauge the influence of so-called issue-advocacy campaign money.