A few Western analysts who follow the Shanghai market confirmed this impression.
Templeton insists that he did not see the figure until after his photographs were developed, and analysts at Kodak confirmed that the photograph was genuine.
Their analyst confirmed Radovas's primary interest in jumpship technology and wormhole physics, which does not surprise me much, but then we got a bonus.
The sachets remained unopened and in their possession at all times and the analyst confirmed to police that it was high-grade cocaine.
Independent analysts with contacts in Republican circles in the North confirmed the report.
When the evidence is more consistent than not, the analyst confirms the pattern and looks for others related to it.
Western military analysts cannot confirm that number but say he has recruited heavily in recent weeks after the fall of several major cities.
Coverage was dropped once analysts confirmed the non-Soviet origin of the material.
The two analysts confirmed the presence of boron by using the wet-chemical analysis.
At the time, the service covered as many as 68 million people, but many analysts confirmed that the project was losing money.