Most financial analysts would never advise borrowing from a 401(k) retirement account, but there are exceptions to the rule.
The two analysts recently advised investors to sell their shares.
Kent disagreed with the philosophy that analysts never recommend policy, but advise policymakers.
"G.E. is very careful to keep analysts well advised on the range at which earnings could come in," he said.
Some analysts, while they do not recommend buying the shares, advise holders to hang on, in case of a possible takeover or breakup.
Few analysts would advise investors to join a gold rush.
Some other analysts advise speculators that Asian buyers are already pulling back and will sell if the price gets much higher.
In general, analysts advised investors not to overreact to either company's third-quarter results.
While closed-end municipal funds are cheap by historical standards, the analysts advise investors to look beyond prices.
But this year, some analysts did advise their clients to look for good deals in October.