Michelman's analysis relied on evaluating whether the nuisance costs and value to society were worth it.
Equilar's "estimated change in pay" analysis relies on several standard assumptions to make comparisons possible.
For the period before 1984 our analyses rely on much the same evidence as the Black report, though more complete registration data are now available.
Humboldt's analysis of this earthquake relied on anecdotal accounts that he gathered during his visit.
Further, these analyses relied upon non-parametric tests at the level of the school.
However, his analysis of the problem relies on poorly chosen examples that don't add up to very much.
The analysis of the signals typically relies on Fourier analysis.
Morphometric analysis relies on chord and arc measurements of the endocast surface.
On the other hand, the linear term is negligible when the analysis rely only on big strains.
Political discussion and analysis of issues of sovereignty, environmental management, health, and social well-being thus rely on Māori at least in part.