However, recent analysis has estimated that the condition may occur at a much greater frequency.
But a Federal analysis in 1992 estimated that the city should be getting about $310,000 a year for the parking rights alone.
An analysis by the agency in March estimated that by the year 2002, the system will be bankrupt.
A recent Congressional analysis estimated that states will receive $1.3 billion more this year than they would have under the old rules.
An unofficial analysis of the new bill estimates that it will add $8 million.
Another analysis, based on architecture, estimates the resident population to be even smaller, with only 12 households or about 70 people at its peak.
The analysis describes, and estimates the number of, small entities to which the rule will apply as required by section 604(a)(3).
A statistical analysis done in 1958 estimated that 21 percent of the white population had African ancestors.
Another analysis estimated that the construction cost would be $6.5 million, including furnishings.
The analysis estimated that the extra demand for assets pulled yields on Government debt down by 1.25 percentage points.