Mr. Zhu's analogy fails in at least two major respects: President Lincoln led the established Government, not the rebels.
But again analogies fail.
The analogy fails at several points.
At this point, the musical analogy fails, and the viewer is transported back to the visual world, but not one that's concrete.
Those of you who are good with analogies will hardly have failed to notice that piracy also is a form of cancer.
The analogy failed to impress Justice Hayes, who called the phone conversation "a troublesome issue."
He has an actual consciousness and an actual independent intelligence to lose, so the analogy fails.
In the second place, the analogy fails to make any distinction between the way bodies behave and the way inanimate objects behave.
Wolverine will win for sure, so the analogy fails.
The citadel was a kind of shell, like some sea-dwelling creature, but beyond that, the analogy failed her.