In the wheellock, a mechanism analogous to that used in today's cigarette lighters replaced the smoldering match cord.
"A successful system must respect existing social conventions while encouraging the development of analogous mechanisms within the new electronic forum" (Henline, 1998, p. 69).
The analogous mechanism for baryons is called baryogenesis.
In 1918, Dr. Cooke suggested a mechanism of action for allergen injections as a "desensitization or hyposensitization," analogous to tolerance achieved in experimental anaphylaxis induced in animals.
Locks and login credentials are two analogous mechanisms of access control.
Epoxidations of alkynes and allenes proceed by concerted mechanisms analogous to epoxidations of simple alkenes.
The Dakin oxidation can occur in mild acidic conditions as well, with a mechanism analogous to the base-catalyzed mechanism.
The majority of benzylic functionalization reactions of tricarbonyl(arene)chromium complexes proceed by mechanisms analogous to those followed by the free arenes.
Typically, triphenylphosphine) is allowed to react with an alkyl halide in a mechanism analogous to that of an S2 reaction.
In "toy" physical descriptions, an everyday example of an analogous mechanism is often used to illustrate an effect in order to make the phenomenon easier to visualize.