I'm glad I grew up in the analog era with much older siblings and our own "TV/play room".
When Kraftwerk started, it made music on limited, recalcitrant synthesizers and tinny electronic drums, but in the analog era it played its music by hand.
The history of the label actually covers three distinct 20th Century Fox-related operations in the analog era, ranging chronologically from about 1958 to 1981.
However, this plan never manifested itself during the remainder of the analog era.
During the analog era, the station was the only one in the area that did not operate any translators.
Laser shows developed during the analog era, long before virtual reality, three-dimensional computer games and the Web.
Since its aired a UHF signal during the analog era, the station's coverage area was limited due to the nature of such signals.
During the analog era and for a time after the digital transition, WVNY operated five additional repeater signals.
For its digital transition WOWT aired a 60-second farewell video bookending the analog era from beginning to end.
During the analog era and some of the digital-only broadcasting period, it operated a repeater, W65AM on channel 65.