It is time to discard this anachronistic, ahistorical view.
Yet Vatican diplomacy persists in reflecting an anachronistic Catholic view that saw Jewish exile as punishment for rejection of the message of Christianity.
It is "Richelieu Plays Bridge," an anachronistic view of the court of Louis XIII of France, by Robert F. MacKinnon.
More relevant today perhaps, is the critique of Arup as lacking historical feel and holding anachronistic views (such as his attempt to find "parliamentarian" traces in medieval government).
Primarily, however, the opponents argued that Judge Bork would jeopardize hard-won gains for individual rights, and took a "narrow and anachronistic view of the Constitution," in the words of Senator Metzenbaum.
-juxtaposing the Hun's brutal barbarism with an anachronistic, post-modern view of his own cruelty [3].
The movie, set in 1985, features period-appropriate boxy sedans and giant cellphones, but also many anachronistic views of that city's radically rebuilt downtown.
Leciester's intent may have been to create a deliberately anachronistic view across the base court, echoing the older ideals of chivalry and romance alongside the more modern aspects of the redesign of the castle.
This is the altogether anachronistic view most classical composers still imbibe in college or conservatory.
So in the spirit of Silicon Valley, I descended recently on the Bay Club, a chichi San Francisco gym, with a vow to shed my anachronistic views of exercise.