For an American, this wickedly amusing sequence is easy to read as a Bushian celebration of the triumph of can-do capitalism over the depredations of socialized medicine.
In an amusing sequence set in a dark part of the Paris Metro, Amélie's fast-pounding heart starts glowing like a red neon sign.
Stuart Galbraith IV writes that the film is hit-and-miss, with some amusing sequences, but suffers due to the overly clownish professor character.
"The most amusing sequences in Mr. Yankovic's disjointed farce . . . are its spoofs of television ads, children's shows and music-videos."
In the movie's most amusing sequence, we meet the sorry lot of prospective candidates, each more eccentric and unattractive than the next, who besiege Ma with bouquets and blandishments.
John Ratzenberger of "Cheers" has one of the film's few amusing sequences when, in the role of an electrician, he arrives to solve the house's many problems.
This amusing sequence had impact because it depicted something specific.
In the meantime the killer, in a rather amusing sequence, picks up a woman who claims to have money.
One amusing sequence involves the grandmother's attempt to satisfy the boy's desire for the "Kentucky Chicken" he demands.
When Mr. Brooks's Goddard finally returns to the world of the wealthy, the film picks up for one amusing sequence in which he loots his own mansion of artworks.