You can imagine that there was entertainment enough, and a mere sketch of the lives of these gentry would make amusing and instructive reading.
It does not make particularly amusing reading, and at first glance it may seem odd that Eliot was willing to enter the spirit of such occasions.
There were alternative explanations, of course, some of them wacky enough to make amusing reading, most just stupid.
Instead of moralistic combinations of image and text, the viewer is treated to clever visual jokes that can trigger a host of amusing readings.
To celebrate, it has produced The Hydro of Yesteryear, a history which makes fascinating and, in part, highly amusing reading.
What we have here, then, is a dangerously flawed book, yet one that, for anyone interested in the musical, is absorbing and amusing reading.
It used to make amusing reading!
While this may make amusing reading, what would Mr. Porter have us conclude?
- (FR) Mr President, the Presidency conclusions from the last Council make for amusing reading.
Some of the unique tax situations that are explored make for amusing reading, even if they don't apply to you.