The ultra-linear circuit may be applied to either push-pull or single-ended amplifier circuits.
The practical amplifier circuit to the right could be the basis for a moderate-power audio amplifier.
Another goal of frequency compensation is to control the step response of an amplifier circuit as shown in Figure 1.
He, along with Harry Nyquist, also developed the theoretical conditions applicable to the stability of amplifier circuits.
When constructed as a simple operational amplifier circuit (right), the gain is equal to the negative of feedback resistance.
Resistor R6 is a simple means of preventing these voltage fluctuations reaching the sensitive amplifier circuit.
A few moments more sufficed to wire the tube into a breadboarded amplifier circuit and to switch the power on.
Also they only need at most 10s or 100s of transistors for the amplifier circuits.
The most commonly used instrumentation amplifier circuit is shown in the figure.
This galling type of distortion has been largely eliminated in modern amplifier circuits.